Photo Credit: Mason Smith

Hannah Smith (she/her) is a writer from Dallas, Texas. She received a BA from Stanford University and an MFA in Poetry from the Ohio State University. At Ohio State, she served as the Managing Editor of The Journal, OSU’s award-winning literary magazine.

Hannah’s poetry manuscript, Common Prairie, was a 2023 National Poetry Series Finalist. She is a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee, and her poetry appears or is forthcoming in Best New Poets, Gulf Coast, Ninth Letter, Mississippi Review, Image Journal, and elsewhere.

Her collaborative chapbook Metal House of Cards, co-written with poet Amanda Maret Scharf, is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press.

Winner of the 2021 Vandewater Poetry Prize, judged by Tina Cane:

“This trio of poems captivates because each, informed by a strong sense of place, is also infused by the presence of larger systems at work—nature, weather, God. There's something expansive and precarious going on here. And it has to do with wisdom.”